PROJECT ID : 1104Read More

PROJECT ID : 1103 < .. Read More

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Data has been all around us in the form of information by sensors, mobiles, social media, and other real-time sources that have pushed enterprises to rethink their strategy towards their working. Most of the companies now use this data and work on real time to gain competitive advantage. The real-time technologies have gained huge accolades from companies but the real-time data streaming technology is not for everyone and neither all companies can provide the best real-time services. For an astounding experience of real-time streaming technology, you need Bytesplay. Our real-time streaming has helped many enterprises to gain an advantage over their competitors and has helped them function in a seamless manner.
Why Real-time streaming?
A large number of applications work on the real-time streaming process. This kind of streaming comes as a life saver in applications where traditional processing methods fail. Whether it is market feeds or financial companies that use electronic trading, military data analysis or any other market study all of it needs real-time streaming. This not only makes it work faster and give better results but its dynamic functioning makes it even better.
The aforementioned areas of work require fast processing of data and giving results without any bottleneck. The crux of the matter is that all the businesses require real-time streaming as it is the best state of the art technology which ensures seamless flow of work.
Why Bytesplay?
Over the past few years, many technologies have been developed to combat the challenges thrown by the high volume data management and real –time streaming. Most of the technologies have evolved in the past many years to streamline the management and processing of data. Bytesplay’s real-time streaming technology is fit to handle and process large volumes of data. Moreover, our technology has been developed under the supervision and arduous research of GRIC team that works persistently to come up with results that are impeccable.
We understand that the client needs services to ease out their burden and hence our team of professionals work continuously to develop programs and products that best matches our client’s requirement.
Companies can leverage the power of Bytesplay’s proficient services to build solutions for their enterprise which can give them profitable results.
Bytesplay provides industry-leading management, monitoring and security functionality. Our real time service works well with any of the standard Hadoop stack or NoSQL options. We are the only multi-engine platform which offers flexibility to use multiple frameworks at a time. This eliminates your task of dealing with multiple frameworks. Moreover, with our flexibility solutions, you can focus on your business without worrying about the technological glitches.
There are many other areas where real-time streaming helps in improving the productivity. Not only is this technology a call of the future but also the power of today. Hence, do not delay your decision to partner with Bytesplay. We are waiting to get you associated with us for creation of a better tomorrow.
PROJECT ID : 1104Read More
PROJECT ID : 1103 < .. Read More
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